Version History

1.0 à 1.1
Q2  option C: "Decomposition of nitric acid" à "reduction of nitric acid"

1.1 à 1.2
Q9  all options change its value

1.2 à 1.3                      
Q23  "can" is changed to "are appropriate to"

1.3 à 1.4                      
Q12  "enthalpy change" is changed to "standard enthalpy change"

1.4 à 1.5  
Q19  "by using Br2(aq) only?"                    
Q36  "10 g of N2(g) in the same fixed volume"

1.5 à 1.6                     
Q5 "would be observed" is changed to "will develop"
Option D : "yellow" is changed to "green"
Q25   "from left to right" change to "from group I to group VII"

1.6 à 1.7                    
Q12 option (1)  "(aq)" is changed to "(g)"

1.0   à  1.1
8(a)  "in the flask" is deleted

1.1   à  1.2

6(c)  "at anode and cathod" change to "at the electroplating process"
1.0 à 1.1                    
Q9  B à C

1.1 à 1.2                    
Q6  C à B

1.2 à 1.3                    
Q36  C à A

1.2 à 2.0               
with long question ans

2.0 à 2.1               
more detail about the ans